Solving problems for…

  • Public Relations

    Call on the most comprehensive intelligence on activist investor and voting patterns ever assembled to inform your communications strategy. Keep your finger on the pulse with our live news wire and industry-leading email alerts, ensuring you are the first to the scene of developing situations of your choice, globally. Essential toolkit for informed communications strategies Diligent Market Intelligence allows you to spotlight the right people, and maximize your chances of success by understanding their drivers and typical voting patterns.

  • Academics

    Diligent Market Intelligence gives you a detailed global picture of governance, engagement, and stewardship data, accessed through either an easy-to-use online Platform or a fully customizable data feed. Whether your research is on activism, pay, governance, ESG or any other issue, we have the data to back it up.

  • Activists

    Stay abreast of the latest developments in your market and garner intelligence on the hedge funds competing with you for institutional capital. See the latest activist plays in action, benchmark your returns against your peers and source co-investment opportunities with your contemporaries. Generate investment ideas, identify the latest areas of investor discontent, and source prospective investors in your funds, and do so at speed, using our intuitive Platform.

  • Private Investors

    Identify outperforming investment strategies and mimic the stock picks of successful activist investors. Understand how investors are voting at your portfolio companies, and receive fast alerts on the developments of most importance.

  • Investment Banks

    Source prospective clients and offer the most informed advice on shareholder activism and proxy voting possible. Identify potential M&A situations, conduct extensive due diligence on potential activist targets, and estimate the impact of proxy adviser recommendations on investor decisions and forecasts activist support levels in proxy contests. Generate novel trading ideas for your clients, and supplement sell-side research with the latest developments in activist situations.

  • Lawyers

    Advise your clients with confidence, knowing that your recommendations are drawn from the latest available activism, voting, governance, and vulnerability data. With records of past shareholder votes, including detailed breakdowns of support and opposition, you have everything you need to reach an informed conclusion.

  • Issuers

    Proactively prepare for activist shareholders by formulating a well-informed defense playbook. Identify existing activist investors on your share register, and predict their most likely approach through their past behavior. Routinely monitor your vulnerability to activism to ensure you are one step ahead and identify the investors most likely to support you at your next meeting and those who correlate with the recommendations of ISS and Glass Lewis.

  • Asset Managers

    Generate key performance indicators for internal reporting by comparing your voting with your peers and proxy adviser recommendations. With our Policy Change Alerts, you can also stay up-to-date on the latest investor voting policies.

  • Hedge Funds

    Cultivate an edge with our unique modules, which facilitate the construction of outperforming investment strategies, and receive the fastest trading triggers in the activist space. Available via feeds, our datasets integrate seamlessly with your existing processes, to expedite complete analysis and customization.

  • Proxy Solicitors

    Source prospective clients and establish unparalleled expertise on shareholder activists, the companies in which they are invested, and the trends in shareholder voting at shareholder meetings. Inform your strategy in an impending proxy contest and ascertain the proactivity of the shareholder base from whom you are soliciting votes.

  • Asset Owners

    Inform asset manager selection by using Diligent Market Intelligence data to find the institutions whose votes best match your stance on issues such as pay and environmental proposals. Then, with our up-to-date records, you can ensure that the voting activity of external asset managers continues to meet your expectations over time.

  • Investor Relations

    Be the first to know when an activist investor takes an ownership position in the company you represent, and conduct thorough due diligence before communicating corporate strategy to shareholders. Identify prospective clients suffering from sub-par shareholder support and focus on engaging with decision makers rather than defaulting to portfolio managers.

  • Public Relations

    Call on the most comprehensive intelligence on activist investor and voting patterns ever assembled to inform your communications strategy. Keep your finger on the pulse with our live news wire and industry-leading email alerts, ensuring you are the first to the scene of developing situations of your choice, globally. Essential toolkit for informed communications strategies Diligent Market Intelligence allows you to spotlight the right people, and maximize your chances of success by understanding their drivers and typical voting patterns.

  • Academics

    Diligent Market Intelligence gives you a detailed global picture of governance, engagement, and stewardship data, accessed through either an easy-to-use online Platform or a fully customizable data feed. Whether your research is on activism, pay, governance, ESG or any other issue, we have the data to back it up.

  • Activists

    Stay abreast of the latest developments in your market and garner intelligence on the hedge funds competing with you for institutional capital. See the latest activist plays in action, benchmark your returns against your peers and source co-investment opportunities with your contemporaries. Generate investment ideas, identify the latest areas of investor discontent, and source prospective investors in your funds, and do so at speed, using our intuitive Platform.

  • Private Investors

    Identify outperforming investment strategies and mimic the stock picks of successful activist investors. Understand how investors are voting at your portfolio companies, and receive fast alerts on the developments of most importance.

  • Investment Banks

    Source prospective clients and offer the most informed advice on shareholder activism and proxy voting possible. Identify potential M&A situations, conduct extensive due diligence on potential activist targets, and estimate the impact of proxy adviser recommendations on investor decisions and forecasts activist support levels in proxy contests. Generate novel trading ideas for your clients, and supplement sell-side research with the latest developments in activist situations.

  • Lawyers

    Advise your clients with confidence, knowing that your recommendations are drawn from the latest available activism, voting, governance, and vulnerability data. With records of past shareholder votes, including detailed breakdowns of support and opposition, you have everything you need to reach an informed conclusion.

  • Issuers

    Proactively prepare for activist shareholders by formulating a well-informed defense playbook. Identify existing activist investors on your share register, and predict their most likely approach through their past behavior. Routinely monitor your vulnerability to activism to ensure you are one step ahead and identify the investors most likely to support you at your next meeting and those who correlate with the recommendations of ISS and Glass Lewis.

  • Asset Managers

    Generate key performance indicators for internal reporting by comparing your voting with your peers and proxy adviser recommendations. With our Policy Change Alerts, you can also stay up-to-date on the latest investor voting policies.

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